June 2024
Msgr. Prof. Obiora Ike was the Keynote Speaker at the launch of Enugu State's Smart School Project where he spoke on Ethics and Values Re-orientation for Educational Development in Africa. The event which was organized by the Government of Enugu State in Nigeria was held on held on June 5th, 2024.

August 2023
Msgr. Prof. Obiora Ike participated in a panel discussion on: "Global issues in Educating for Human Dignity in a rapidly changing world" during the Pan-Atlantic University's Institute of Humanities 2023 Conference held on 31st August 2023.

March 2023
Msgr. Prof. Ike presented the University of Nigeria, Nsukka 50th Convocation Lecture titled: Purpose-driven and Values-driven Higher Education on 23rd March 2023.

Msgr. Prof. Ike presented a paper on Nigeria between Freedom of Religion and Growing Islamic Fundamentalism.

September 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike, the Executive Director of Globethics, gave the opening remarks at the Kick-off of the Pilot workshop of an Ethics Performance Management System dedicated to Higher Education Institutions referred to as the Ethics Model of Excellence Tool (HE-EMET) at the Grande Legacy Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda on 26th September 2022.

September 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike was the Keynote Speaker at the Power of Knowledge Symposium, where he spoke on "Walking the talk on equitable knowledge partnerships." The symposium was organized by the Asfari Institute of the American University in Lebanon; EthiXPERT, South Africa; and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in the Netherlands, and it held on September 1, 2022.

April 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike from 8-10 April 2022 in Bonn Germany attended the Plenary Assembly and 50th anniversary of the International Association for Human Rights where he gave a keynote speech on the topic: "The world we want grounded on Ethics" which was attended by 300 participants. The former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Joachim Gauck, also presented a powerful speech on the global overview of the Human Rights situation from the African lens on the same podium.

April 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike gave a speech via zoom at the European Union Brussels and Africa Union Addis Ababa Relationship meeting on the topic: "Colonial Legacies, Africa and Building Bridges to Amend Past Historical Deficiences." The event was organised by the GIZ of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation in Berlin on 5th April 2022.

March 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike from 12-20 March 2022 was with the Swiss Agency for Religious Freedom (KIN) giving 20 different speeches on related themes: Globethics activities; issues in Switzerland and weapons sales; Youth Groups from schools on education and religious discourse around Ethics; talks on religious freedom and human rights abuses globally particularly in Africa. These talks were organised by KIN and were held in various towns - Bern, Interlaken, Gstaad, Zurich, Kussnacht, Thun, and Frieboug.

March 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike gave a speech via zoom where he reflected on Ethics and Teachers at an event by Globethics India Regional office which was attended by several universities and stakeholders on 16th March 2022.

February - March 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike was at PLASU University, Jos; VERITAS, and NUC Abuja all in Nigeria from 22nd February to 3rd March 2022 for trainings planned to happen in Nigeria in 2022.

February 2022
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike held various meetings in Nairobi from 16-22 February 2022 which were attended by the Vice-Chancellors of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Tangaza University College, St. Paul's University, and Hekima University College all in Kenya.

Msgr. Prof. Obiora Ike publishes a paper titled Climate Action, African Traditional Wisdoms and Laudato Si" in Berlin, Germany.

Prof. Dr. Ike presented a paper titled: "Justice the Foundation for Peace" at the 2021 India Conference.

December 2021
Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike, the Globethics.net President, will be giving a talk on "Diminishing Corruption: Examples from Africa" at the Confucian Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility: Opportunities and Risks Workshop at the Beijing Yale Center on 15th December 2021.

September 2021
Msgr. Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike spoke at the final session of Mission 21's Summer School which focused on the topic "Racism and the Churches Today – How do we deal with it?" on 17th September 2021.

July 2021
Gave the keynote address during the “Professional Ethics and Faculty Enrichment” international webinar which was a programme for teaching professionals organised by St. Joseph University, Dimapur, Nagland and Globethics.net India on 14th July 2021

January 2021
Gave a presentation on “Values and Ills of Religion in Africa” during the Virtual Inaugural Symposium on 'Religion as a Resource in Africa' on 14th January 2021.

December 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
Presented a paper titled "Nigeria between Freedom of Religion and Growing Islamic Fundamentalism"

December 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
Presented a paper titled "Nihilism, Ethics and the Challenge of Truth"

November 2020
Spoke at the session titled “Ethical Frameworks for Artificial Intelligence” during the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity on November 27th, 2020.

November 2020, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper on "Godfrey Mary Paul Okoye – The Founding Vision and Mission of the Daughters of Divine Love and Challenges – Fifty Years After (1969 – 2020)" on 8th November, 2020 during the Golden Jubilee celebration of the founding of the Daughters of Divine Love (DDL) held in Enugu, Nigeria.

October 2020
Spoke at “Leaving No One Behind - No Sustainable Development without Just Peace” organised by Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin on October 26th, 2020.

October 2020
Talked about “The Difference between Morality and Ethics” during the Global Ethics Day 2020 held on October 21st, 2020.

October 2020
Gave a talk on “Values Driven Education – Key to the Future of Humanity” at the TED Ehrenfeld event held in Cologne, Germany in October 2020.

September 2020, Cologne, Germany
Presented a paper on "Circular Economy, Digitization and Ethical challenges" in Cologne Germany on 10th September, 2020.

July 2020, Munich, Germany
Gave a keynote speech at the BMW Foundation 'thinking space' on the theme "Good Life and Sustainable Cities 2030" in Munich, Germany on 23th July, 2020. The aim of the event was to explore problems related to civic participation, climate change, health, and mobility that are often concentrated and intensified in urban areas.

June 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
Gave a keynote speech titled "When Ethics Becomes a Way of Life" at the first International Health Congress on Integrative Oncology organized by the Swiss Alternative Medicine (SAM) held at the World Council of Churches Headquarters in Geneva from 28th - 30th June, 2020.

June 2020
Gave a keynote speaker at UNESCOIICBA’s webinar on “The Ethical Challenges for Children and Youth during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Role of Education” on June 3rd, 2020.

May 2020
Gave a presentation at the Forum on “Global Transformations and Civilization Prospects from the Perspective of Ethics in Higher Education” where he noted that “In a situation of uncertainty, humanity needs to be assured of values to build ethics around life and to transmit values” on May 20th, 2020.

January 2020, Djibouti
Delivered a speech on "The Place of Values in Education" at the International Summit for Balanced and Inclusive Education, held in Djibouti City, Djibouti on 27th January 2020.

January 2020, Luneburg, Germany
Gave a speech on "Good leadership as factor for economic growth – the challenge of corruption" at the 'Africa and Europe Moving Forward Together – Evidence-based Solutions for African Development' Conference organised by Leuphana University and the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) from 24th – 26th January, 2020.

January 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
Gave a keynote speech titled "Religions for Development: Funding and Implementing the SDGs by cooperation between Governments, UN Agencies and Faith Communities" at the FaithInvest International Conference for Christian Investors and Development Agencies organised by ActAlliance and AGAPE Foundation in Geneva on 22nd January 2020.

November 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Presented a paper at the 2018 International Symposium on Religious Life (ISRL) organized by the Government of Indonesia with Development Partners held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 6th - 9th November, 2018.

October 2018, Vatican, Rome
Delivered a paper in the Vatican, Rome on 30th October, 2018 on the occasion of the Nigerian Embassy to the Holy See Public Debate on Africa's Future and Challenges.

October 2018, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Delivered a speech titled "A Long Walk to Ethics Education – The Imperative of Values-Based Formation for Future Leaders – African and Global Perspective for Action" at the International Conference on Ethics Education held in South Africa from 3rd - 5th October, 2018.

September 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Represented Globethics.net at 'Prefect of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development' as a participating institution and delivered a speech on the impact investments have at communities' services. He addressed the ethical imperatives for finance, inclusivity and society towards building a more peaceful human ecology. This was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 20th – 21st September, 2018.

July 2018, Kigali, Rwanda
Delivered a paper at the 8th Theological Institute and the 11th General Assembly of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) under the theme "Respecting the Dignity and God's image in every human being" (Gen 1:26-27) in Kigali, Rwanda from 1st – 7th July, 2018.

June 2018, Mannheim, Germany
Gave a speech titled "Africa My Neighbour" as the keynote speaker and gave a presentation about the Globethics.net Foundation at the Rotary District 1890 Conference and Festival held in Mannheim, Germany on 9th June, 2018.

February 2018, Tokyo, Japan
Presented Globethics.net and the importance of consolidating Integrating Reporting (IR) within Higher Education Institutions to provide ethical and trustful educational systems Tokyo, Japan in February 2018.

November 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Gave a lecture on "No sustainable future without ethics values" at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, Brussels on 23rd November, 2017.

September 2017, Nairobi, Kenya
Visited the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya on 20th September, 2017 where the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Justus Mbae, convened a meeting between him and the University Think Tank team. Msgr. Prof. Obiora gave a powerful speech entitled "Values-Driven Education in Research, Teaching and Governance: The Catholic Identity and CUEA as a Model."

September 2017, Munich, Germany
Spoke at the 21st International Renovabis Congress, the largest Christian engagement for the renewal of Eastern Europe organised in Munich, Germany at the University's Faculty of Philosophy from 6th - 8th September, 2017.

July 2017, Vienna, Austria
Delivered a keynote speech at the 12th Design & Health World Congress & Exhibition on "The Challenge of Global Health Inequities and Salutogenic Global Ethics" held in Vienna, Austria from 12th – 16th July, 2017.

February 2017
Rev. Msgr. Prof. Dr. Obiora Francis Ike (PhD), Professor of Theology and Philosophy, delivered a paper titled; "Integrating Ethics in Higher Education: The Imperative of Values-Based Formation of Future Leaders" at the Third Inaugural Lecture of Godfrey Okoye University held on Thursday, 23 February 2017 in Enugu, Nigeria.

June 2014, Abuja, Nigeria
Delivered the lead paper at the All Nigerian Political Summit held in June 2014 at the International Conference Center, Abuja. The title of the paper was "Leading by example: Patrotic values, political virtues and loyal opposition."

June 2014, Enugu, Nigeria
Gave a valedictory speech during the send forth of Prof. Barth Okolo, Vice Chancellor, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He spoke on the topic "The judgement of history reflects the Works, Challenges on leadership" on the 6th of June, 2014.

May, 2014, Nigeria
He was the keynote speaker on the conference organized by the Nigerian Presidency for the Code of Conduct Bureau officials at all levels of Government. He spoke on Code of Conduct. The conference was held on the 9th of May, 2014.

April, 2014, Rome, Italy
Attended the canonizations of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII in Rome. There in Rome, he also delivered a lecture with Martin Lohmann on Media Ethics from the 25th - 28th April, 2014.

April 2014, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "The Business of Business is Ethics" being the 2014 distinguished Lecturer of the ESUT Business School, Enugu held on 12th April, 2014.

January 2014, Aachen, Germany
Spoke on the topic "Engaging the Catholic Youth Worldwide" at the Annual convention of the Catholic Students Association held from the 17th - 19th January, 2014 in Aachen, Germany.

2014, Milan, Italy
Presented a paper at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Conference in Cadennabia, Milan, Italy in 2014

2014 Germany
Presented a paper titled "The Cross, Africa and Challenges on the Christian: A Social-Theological Reflection" paper contribution to a research collection by Prof. Dr. Ursula Notheller in Germany, 2014.

January 2013, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Transformational Leadership and Professional Medical Ethics in the Nigeria Health Sector" at the 44th Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Pediatric Association of Nigeria held at Golden Royale Hotel, Enugu on 24th January 2013.

June 2013 Bonn, Germany
Presented a paper titled "The Future of Growth, Economic Values and the Media" at the DW Global Media Forum organised by Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Bonn, Germany Deutsche Welle (DW), June 2013.

January 2012, Abuja, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Practical implications of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in the light of increasing Intra-State Conflicts" at the Year 2012 Annual St. Paul Lecture organized by National Missionary Society of St. Paul to commemorate the Feast of the Coversion of St Paul. This was held at National Missionary Seminary (NAMISEM), Gwagwalada, Abuja on 21st January, 2012.

November 2012, Abuja, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "The Church in Nigeria: The Family of God in Communion Dialogue and Mission" at the Second National Pastoral Congress in Nigeria held at the Pope John Paul II Centre, Wuse, Federal Capital Territory Abuja on 14th November, 2012

December 2012, Lagos, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "The Path to Transformative Leadership" at the Conference on Nigeria Leadership Summit organized by the Anabel Leadership Acedemy, Lagos from 11th - 12th December 2012.

December 2012, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Philosophical Response to Socio-Political and Economic Challenges in Africa" at the Jubilee Symposium of the Spiritan International School of Theology (SIST), Attakwu on 7th December 2012.

March 2011 South Africa
Presented a "Key Note Address at the Official Lunch of the university Of Stellenbosch-Ed Center for Business in Society" University of Stellenbosch, South Africa 3rd - 4th March, 2011.

March 2011, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Presented a paper titled "Moral Leadership of Businesses for Sustainable Development in Africa" at the Official Launch of the University of Stallenbosch-ed Center for Business in the Society on 4th March 2011.

May 2011, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Globalization and Africa: The Challenges of Critical Inquiry for the University General Studies Program; Need for Paradigm Change" at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka 50 years General Studies Program Public Event towards Global Competitiveness and Paradigm Change on 25th May, 2011.

July 2011, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Transformational Leadership and the Challenges of Governance in Enugu State" at the Governance Retreat for Members of the State Executive Council of Enugu State towards "Good and Responsive Governance" in July 2011 at Nike Lake Resort, Enugu.

September 2011, Imo, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Ntohapu: Oru Oma Nke Ozioma" at Nkuzi Odenigbo Lecture help on September 2011 in Imo State, Nigeria.

October 2011, Vienna, Austria
Presented a paper titled "Research, Teaching and Practice of Catholic Social Teaching on the African Continent through Communicating Faith in the Diversity of Cultures" in Vienna, Austria at the Pontifical Theological University, Pope Benedict XVI at Heiligenkreuz Monastery in October 2011.

December 2011, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Religion, Culture and Civilization - The Need for Dialogue" during a Symposium to unveil the Maiden Edition of Enugu Cultural and Tourism Fiesta in Nike Lake Hotel Resort on 15th December, 2011.

April 2010, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Addressing issues of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace in the Church and in the World" at the first Nsukka Catholic Diocesan Synod; "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism" on 14th April 2010.

September 2010, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Ethical Leadership: Implications of the new generation of Nigerian academic leadership" at the UNN Mission, Vision, and Action Workshop in September 2010.

February 2009, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "The Past, the Present and the Future make a People" at the first Festival of Igbo Civilization and Culture in commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" held in Enugu on 7th February, 2009.

March 2008, Kinshasha, Congo
Presented a paper titled "Critical Appraisal and Overview of the First Africa Synod 1994: Preparation, Implementation, Reception, Shortfalls and Challenges as lessons towards the upcoming Second Synod of Africa, 2009" at the Centre Catholique Nganda, Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo in March 2008.

May 2008, Frankfurt, Germany Delivered a paper titled "Corruption: Threat to Democracy and Market Economy - The Case of Nigeria" during an International Symposium on 'NACHALTIGKEIT ALS GRUNDPRINZIP FUER DIE RAHMENORDNUNG VON FINANZ UND GUETERMAERKTEN' held at BANK FUER KREDITANSTALT UND WIEDERAUFBAU (KfW) Frankfurt/Main Germany from 29th- 31st May 2008.

May 2006, Frankfurt, Germany
Presented a paper titled "Towards a World for Everybody: Communicating Faith in the Diversity of Cultures. Context - Nigeria" at the International Symposium to mark 20 years of "Theologie Interkulturell" of the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M, Germany in May 2006.

November 2006, Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "The Social Teachings of the Church and the Management of Oil and Gas Wealth in Nigeria. Under the theme; "Nigeria: Making Oil and Gas Wealth Serve the Common Good" at the Divine Love Retreat and Conference Centre (DRACC), Emene, Enugu from the 1st - 4th of November, 2006.

2006 Berlin, Germany
Presented a paper titled "Religion and Politics- Perspectives of the Social Teaching of the Church: The Case of Nigeria” at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Conference in Berlin, Germany, 2006.

2004 Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper titled "Catholic Social Thought and the Context of Nigeria" at an International Conference at the Brottier Centre, organized at the Spiritan International School of Theology, Attakwu, Enugu State in 2004.

September 2003, Indiana, USA
Presented a paper titled "African Renaissance: Solidarity and Renewal within Africa Today" at the Conference on Solidarity with Africa organized by the Institute of Church Life, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA on 23rd September 2003.

2002 Cologne, Germany Presented a paper titled "The Contributions of the African Church in Historical Perspective" in Cologne, Germany at an event of the Church in Need, 2002, Maternus Haus Cologne.

September 2001, Lagos, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Righteousness in Governance" at the Rev. (Dr.) Mike Okonkwo Foundation Public Lecture organized by TREM at the Shell Recital Hall Muson, Onikan, Lagos on the 5th of September 2001.

October 2001, Lagos, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Expectations on Social Infrastructures from the Federal Government of Nigeria's Year 2002 Budget" organized by Pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC) on 3rd October 2001.

October 2000 Abuja, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "The Church and Unemployment" at the JDPC "Church and Society" organized conference of Abuja Archdiocese under Archbishop John Onaiyekan in October, 2000.

2000 Bonn, Germany
Presented a paper titled "The Jubilee, the Church and Social Transformation in Nigeria" in Bonn, Germany at the Theological Faculty organized by Prof. Lothar Roos for a collection of Essays on the Jubilee Year 2000.

2000 Jos, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Church and Contemporary Nigerian Society: Social Teachings of the Church: past and present – enunciation of relevant theological principles" at the Seminar by the Nigerian Association of Ecumenical Theologians at St Augustine's Seminary, Jos in 2000.

February 1997, Lagos Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Jesus Christ: The Social Challenge" at the First Annual Plenary Assembly of Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) at Eucharistic Heart Generalate, Ikeja, Lagos on 18 - 21. February 1997.

1996 Harare, Zimbabwe
Presented a paper titled "The Social Teaching of the Church and the Social Problems of Africa: A Historical Overview" at the symposium on "The Social Thought and Action of the Church in English and Portuguese-Speaking Africa" in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1996.

1994 Enugu, Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Evangelisation as Justice and Peace" at the Enugu Diocesan Priests Annual Seminar (EDPAS) at the Pastoral Centre, Ugwu di Nso, Eke in 1994.

July 1992, Dakar, Senegal
Presented a paper titled "Islam and Social Change in Africa: Approaches to and Perspectives of Social Transformation Processes in Africa" at the International Symposium on Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa, organized by Konrad Adanauer Foundation, Germany on 27th – 30th July 1992 in Dakar, Senegal.

February 1982, Lagos Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "The Challenges of New Evangelization in Nigeria" Address to Bishops at the Nunciature in Lagos, 15th February, 1982.

Enugu Nigeria
Presented a paper titled "Towards a Self-Sustaining and Self-Reliant Church: Theological Perspectives from the Social Teaching of the Church and Local Experiences in Development" during the gathering of all the Priests and Religious of the Catholic Diocese of Okigwe during the Year of Faith Pope Benedict XVI called.

Presented a paper titled "Overview of the Role of the Catholic Church in Education in Enugu Diocese (1962 - 2012); The Takeover and Return of Voluntary Agency and Mission Schools by the Government of East Central State of Nigeria"

Presented a paper titled "Audacity, Character and Scholarship - Renewing Mission and Identity of the Challenges of Leadership to the University and the Nigerian Society."

Presented a paper titled "Challenges On Global Poverty And Global Health - from Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) Lessons from the Perspective of Christian Social Ethics" at the catholic social institute, bad Honnef; Germany on the occasion of 30 years of Ordo Socialis.

Presented a paper titled "Africa: Salt of the Earth and Light of the World in the 21st Century New Evangelization." A draft paper for the 2012 World Synod of Bishop on the theme "The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith".

Presented a paper titled "Business Ethics as a Field of Teaching, Training and Research in West Africa"

Presented a paper titled "Catholic Social Thought and the Context of Nigeria"

Presented a paper titled "Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Good"

Presented a paper titled "Evangelization and Mission"

Presented a paper titled "Human Rights, Conflicts and Reconciliation: A Global Reckoning with emphasis on four African Wisdom Calabashes"

Presented a paper titled "Past Tense = Future Sense: Applying African Cosmology to modern issues of Sustainability and Corporate Governance"

Presented a paper titled "Renewing Mission and Identity of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition through Communicating Faith in the Diversity of Cultures"

Presented a paper titled "Research teaching and Practice of Catholic Social Thought on the Continent through Communicating Faith in the Diversity of Cultures"

Presented a paper titled "The Cross, Africa and Challenges on the Christian: A Socio – Theological Reflection"

Presented a paper titled "The Meaning and Dimensions of Human Work in John Paul II's theology of Human Work: Challenges on Nigeria".

Responded to a questionnaire from Christian Solidarity International (CSI) on "Islam, Sharia Legal System, Christian Persecution and Threat to National Stability in Nigeria"

Presented a paper titled "Religion and Politics - Perspectives of the Social Teachings of the Church. The Case of Nigeria"

Presented a paper titled "The Integral Nature of African Cultural & Religious Values as Ethical Values"

Presented a paper titled "Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI, Africae Munus"

Presented a paper titled "Morality and Moral Philosophy"

News & Events

Enugu’s New Deputy Controller (DCC) Pays Courtesy Visit to CIDJAP

30th January 2025

The Deputy Controller of Enugu Maximum Correctional Centre visited CIDJAP to appreciate its support for inmates through legal aid, welfare, and rehabilitation.

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CIDJAP Founder Preaches at Caritas Nigeria Enugu Beginning-of-Year Retreat

8th January 2025

Caritas Nigeria’s Enugu retreat, led by Msgr. Obiora Ike, deepened spirituality in service through Catholic Social Teaching, reflection, and community building.

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