• 1956:
    Born in Gusau, northern Nigeria on 7 April, 1956 by Lucy Mgbafor Ike, a housewife and Richard Madubuchi Ike, an accountant. Christened Obuoha Francis Ike on 19 May 1956 at the Catholic Mission, Gusau, by Father O'Shea SJ.

  • 1961:
    Live in Gombe with parents and learns Hausa. Arabic and the Koran under the tutelage of Mallam Mohamed, a northerner.

  • 1961-1966:
    Enrolls for elementary school at Saint Augustine's Elementary School, Nguru, Saint Patrick's Elementary School, Gombe Saint Thomas Elementary School, Kano. Receives the Sacrament of the Eucharist officiated by Father O' Shea SJ on 18 April 1965 at Augustine Catholic Mission, Nguru, under the sponsorship of Oliver Ogbuanu. Receives the Sacrament of Confirmation as Bartholomew at a mass officiated by Rt. Rev. Cotter on 18 April 1965 at the Saint Augustine Catholic Mission Nguru, under the sponsorship of Mr. E.E. Enendu.

  • 1966-1967:
    Enrolls for elementary education at Saint Patrick Elementary School, Ogbete, Enugu, Eastern Nigeria.

  • 1967-1968:
    Live at Enugu, Umana-Ndiagu, Mbawi, Aba and Nkwere Inyi Achi, Eastern Nigeria with parents and siblings as refugees of the Nigerian civil.

  • 1969-1974:
    Gains admission into All Hallows Junior Seminary, Ukpor, Eastern Nigeria.

  • 1974-1975:
    Completes junior seminary education and teaches English, History, Bible Knowledge and Literature at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Nsude, Enugu, eastern Nigeria.

  • 1975-1978:
    Attends Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu and the Ikot-Epene Campus, eastern Nigeria and at the age of twenty-two, earns Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree in Philosophy of the Urban University Rome.

  • 1978-1981:
    Studies and earns university certificate in Political Science Studies for Masters of Philosophy at the Leopold Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria, and earns Master of Philosophy degree with distinction on a dissertation entitled Karl Marx on Religion and Christianity, a Critical Study. Pursues and earns a Master of Theology (M. Theology) degree of the Leopold Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria with thesis entitled; The Political Cultural and Social Aspects of Missionary activities in Igboland -A Historical Exposition.

    Gets installed as Deacon at the College Caanisianum Chapel, Innsbruck, Austria. Ordains as a Priest on 4 July 1981 at Saint Karl Parish, Hohenems at a ceremony officiated by Rt. Rev. Bruno Wechner. Celebrates first Holy Mass as a Priest on 5 July 1981 at Saint Karl Parish, Hohenems. Lectures professional Ethics, Religion and Philosophy at the Deutschordens Fach Seminar, Cologne.

  • 1982:
    Earns a doctorate degree in Theology from the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Univerisity, Bonn, Germany, with dissertation entitled Value, Meaning and Social Structure of Human Work in Pope John II Laboren Exercens and its Application in the Post Colonial African Society.

    Earns a doctorate degree in Philosophy from the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University, Bonn, Germany, with dissertation entitled British Utilitarianism of Philosophy JS Mill and Bentham and its Influence on the Legal Philosophy in the Post Colonial Nigeria.

    Earns a Certificate in Economic from University of London; Earn a Certificate in International Studies from University of Dubrovnik: Language Certificates in French from Sorbonne, France, Hebrew, Latin and Greek. Work at the Archdiocese of Cologne as Pastoral Chaplain of the Deutschordents Wohnstift Cologne, Germany, under Joseph Cardinal Hoffner.

  • 1983:
    Becomes Professor of Social Ethics, History and African Studies. Co-founds the Nigeria-German Contact, Cologne, with friends and associates such as Loother Roos, Alfons Herweg, Martin Lohmann, Winfred Muller, Charles Gessmann and Frederick Herwg. Serves as member Africa Studies Association, Los Angeles, USA. Serves as member International Political Science Association, Ottawa, Canada.

  • 1984:
    Serves as member of the Editorial Board of Africa Envoy International Journal, Cologne.

  • 1986:
    Returns to Nigeria after studies in Europe to found the Catholic Institute for Development Justice Peace and Caritas (CIDJAP). Commissions the Catholic Institute for Development Justice Peace and Caritas (CIDJAP), Enugu on 4 October 1986, in commemoration of the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.

    Publishes a 561-page book entitled Value, Meeting and Social Structure of Human Work, European University Studies, New York, Frankfurt. Occupies Academic Chair as Director of Institute of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, CIDJAP, Enugu.

  • 1986-1988:
    Lectures Languages at the Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, affiliate of the Pontifical Urban University, Rome. Serves as co-Pastor at Sacred Heart Parish Uwani, Enugu. Serves as Chaplain at the Holy Rosary Girl's College.

  • 1987:
    Gets Community Chieftaincy title as Onwa n'etilora of Umana Ndiagu, Enugu

  • 1988:
    Founds the CIDJAP Publishing House, Enugu, Nigeria. Serves as member of the Editorial Board of Bulletin of Ecumenical Theology. Serves as member of the Editorial Board New people Magazine, Nairobi, Kenya.

  • 1989:
    Serves as member Governing Board of Development Education Center for Women, Enugu. Becomes Publisher of CIDJAP Book Series.

  • 1990:
    Founds the Small Medium Scale Entrepreneurs Promotion and Training Association. Publishes a 400- page book entitled Catholic Social Teaching En-route in Africa, CIDJAP Enugu. Publishes a 168- page book entitled Church and Society in Dialogue, CIDJAP Enugu. Serves as President, African Association for the Advancement of Catholic Social Scientists. Serves as member Governing Board of the International Prison Chaplains until 1995. Serves as Chairman, Nigerian Association for the Advancement of Catholic Social Scientists.

  • 1992:
    Serves as member Pax Christi International. Serves as member New York Academy of Sciences. Serves as member American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Washington DC.

  • 1993:
    Becomes visiting Professor of Ethics and African History, at the Theologische Faculteit, Tilburg, Netherlands. Serves a member Africa Association for the Study of Religions , Utrecht, Netherlands. Serves as associate, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge. Receives Award for Distinguished Health and Social Services, International Health Foundation, Enugu.

  • 1995:
    Sits as Chairman Governing Board of Justice Development and Peace Co-ordinators, Eastern Nigeria. Serves as Coordinating Director of Umuchinemere Community Bank Nigeria Limited, Enugu. Serves as member, Governing Board of Caritas International. Founds the CIDJAP Legal Education and Development Assistance Scheme, Enugu. Founds GWEDE the Grassroots Women Empowerment and Development Education, Enugu.

    Serves as member Governing Board of Political Science Association, Canada. Sits as Chairman Governing Board of Onitsha Ecclesiastical Province, JDPC Commission. Serves as member Governing Board of Political Science Association, Canada. Gets listed as Men of Achievement, Cambridge Publications, United Kingdom.

  • 1996:
    Becomes Guest Professor at the Faculty of Theology, Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Main. Serves as member governing board of Enugu State University of Science and Technology Think Tank. Serves as member Governing Board of Institute of Ecumenical Education, Thinkers Corner, Enugu.

    Founds the SEPTA Small Medium Scale Entrepreneurs Promotion and Training Association. Serves as Chairman Governing Board of Africa Fund on Sustainability. Receives Peace Prize Shalom, Eichstaett University Germany. Serves as Chairman Governing Board of Nigeria Association of Catholic Social Scientists. Serves as Chairman Governing Board of Poverty In Africa Alternative, Enugu.

    Serves as Chairman Governing Board of Child Defense Foundation, Enugu. Serves as member Development and Leadership, Enugu. Serves as member Governing Board of International Catholic Commission fro prison Pastoral Care. Publishes a 495-page book entitled Only the Free can Liberate Others, IKO Verlag, Frankfurt. Publisher a book entitled Theology and Economy in Dialogue.

  • 1997:
    Gets listed in Who is Who in the World, USA, Publishes a 175-page book entitled Development Strategies and Financial Management of Projects, CIDJAP Enugu, publishes a 325-page book entitled The Fantasy of Human Rights, CIDJAP Enugu.

  • 1998:
    Publishes a 275 page book entitled Freedom is More than a Word, CIDJAP Enugu. Sits as member of the Diocesan Consultors College, Catholic Diocese of Enugu. Serves as member of the Presbyteral Council, Catholic Diocese of Enugu. Serves as member of the Finance Council, Catholic Diocese of Enugu. Serves as member of the Dialogue and Theological Commission, Catholic Diocese of Enugu.

    Serves as Projects Director, Catholic Diocese of Enugu. Serves as member of the Diocese Curia. Serves as member of the Priests Welfare and further studies Commission, Catholic Diocese of Enugu.

  • 1999:
    Receives honour as Monsignor Chaplain Prelate of Pope John Paul II, Vatican, Rome. Sits as Chairman Governing Board of Enugu Development Trust Fund, Enugu.

  • 2000:
    Serves a member Muslim-Christian Dialogue, Enugu. Serves as member Governing Board of Nigeria Association of Ecumenical Theologians.

  • 2001:
    Publishes an article entitled African Self-determination in a Global Context: a Critical Appraisal of the Frankfurt Hohenems Guidelines & Corporate Responsibility Rating Concept (Joint Publication Oekologische in the UNDP Human Development Report, Millennium Edition, Lagos, Nigeria.

    Serves as member Governing Board of the Africa Business Ethics Network Johannesburg, South Africa. Co-founds the MDC Micro-enterprise Development Cooperation, Enugu, with Ndidi Nnoli Edozien.

    Receives Paul Harris Fellow award of Rotary International, Munich/Ludwigshafen, Germany. Publishes a book entitled Understanding Africa: Traditional Legal Reasoning, Jurisprudence & Justice in Igboland (CIDJAP Publication, Enugu. Publishes a book entitled Micro-enterprise Development Cooperation; International Best Practices in the Micro-finance: Grameen Experience, Lessons for Nigeria.

    Publishes a journal entitled Africa in the Age of Globalization: Challenges of Culture Identity in a Interdependent World (IKO Verlay Frankfurt, Edited by Lucia A Reisch. Publishes an article entitled Development is About People, Business is About Ethics (July/September, volume 7, No. 3 Nigeria Economic Summit Group Economic Indicators Journal.

  • 2002:
    Sits as chairman governing board of the Growing Businesses Foundation. Lagos, Nigeria. Sits as chairman of the Neighborhood Foundation, Enugu. Sits as chairman of Justice and Peace Professionals Project, Enugu. Serves as member Governing Board of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Lagos. Serves as member Governing Board of Caritas Council Nigeria.

  • 2003:
    Founds and Publishes Understanding Africa Ezimoma Book Series in association with Johannes Hoffman and IKO Publishing House, Frankfurt, Germany. Publishes a 140-pages book entitled Development is About People, Business is About Ethics (CIDJAP Publication, 2003, Enugu. Publishes an article entitled Afrika in Eigener Sache: Weissheit, Kultur un Leben der Igbo (IKO Verlag fuer Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Frankfurt/London, Die Reihe Ezi-Muoma Afrika Verstehen Nr. 1; Herausgeber: Ike/Hoffamann.

  • 2004:
    Serves as member governing board of Centre for public policy and Research. Lagos, Nigeria. Serves as member Governing Board of Human Rights Law Service (Hurilaws). Lagos. Gets listed in the Who is Who in Nigeria.

  • 2005:
    Gets Peace award of CV Afrika Hilfe eV Cologne, Germany. Publishes a 257-page book entitled Globalization and African Self-Determination- What is our Future? IKO Verlay, Frankfurt.

  • 2006:
    Receives award as Senator of Lufthansa German Airlines. Serves as member Governing Board of Welfare Society for the Aged. Serves as member Club of Rome (COR), Rome. Serves as honorary patron of the Environment and Development Policy Centre for Africa in Nigeria. Receives honour as spiritual patron of Radio Television and Theater Workers Union of Nigeria (RATTAWU), Radio Nigeria, Enugu.

    Gets appointment as Plenipotentiary member of Aachen Ripuaria, Aachen, Germany. Receives award for the promotion of Peace and Christian Moslem Dialogue in Nigeria by Omnis Religion, Germany.

News & Events

Enugu’s New Deputy Controller (DCC) Pays Courtesy Visit to CIDJAP

30th January 2025

The Deputy Controller of Enugu Maximum Correctional Centre visited CIDJAP to appreciate its support for inmates through legal aid, welfare, and rehabilitation.

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CIDJAP Founder Preaches at Caritas Nigeria Enugu Beginning-of-Year Retreat

8th January 2025

Caritas Nigeria’s Enugu retreat, led by Msgr. Obiora Ike, deepened spirituality in service through Catholic Social Teaching, reflection, and community building.

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