Scholastic/ Professional and Developmental Awards
Cultural/ Traditional Awards and Recognitions
Academic Experiences
Professor of Ethics and African Studies at Godfrey Okoye Catholic University, Enugu.
Lecturer for Professional Ethics (Berufsethik), Religion and Philosophy (1980-86) in Deutschoprdens Fachseminar fuer Altenpflege, Cologne, Germany;
Senior Lecturer for Political and Socio-Economic Sciences in the Spiritan International School of Theology, Attakwu, Nigeria (1987-1990);
Founder and Executive Director of the Catholic Institute for Development Justice and Peace, (CIDJAP), Enugu Nigeria since 1986;
Professor of Catholic Social Teaching, History and African Studies in linkage with the Enugu State University of Science and Technology.
Visiting Professor to the Theologische Fakulteit, Tilburg, Netherlands (1993)
Guest Professor to the Johann Wolgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M (1997).
Member of the International Advisory Board, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Member of the Governing Board of the Enugu State University of Science and Technology
Member of the Board of Trustees, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu
Member of the Board of MAHIRA for Health, New Jersey, USA.
Administrative Experiences
Development Organisations Founded
Chairmanship / Director of Professional Organizations and NGOs
Membership and Co-Chair of Professional Organizations
Chairman, Third Synod Preparatory Committee, Catholic Diocese of Enugu (2013)
ESUT APIC Committee for Academics since 2012
Vatican Africa Synod by appointment of Pope Benedict XV1, Rome (2009)
Board Member and Director, Nigerianisch-Deutsche Kontakte Koeln;
Alternative Dispute Resolution; Nigeria Caritas Council;
New York Academy of Sciences;
International Prisons Chaplains Association, Canada;
Commonwealth Education Fund;
Justice Development and Peace Commission.
Global Ethics Network
Research Project Ethical-Ecological Rating, Frankfurt/M, Germany
Annual Autumn Conference on Intercultural Theology of the University of Frankfurt/M, German
Catholic Bishop's Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) Committee on Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC), Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN)
Caritas Foundation Nigeria
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
Ike O. F. (2013) Verfolgte Christen Einstatz fur die Religionsfreiheit, Nachlese Zum Kongress, (pp. 23-31) Am 30. April 2013 in Salzburg
Ike O. F. (2013) Renewing Mission and Identity of the Catholic Intellectual and Social Ethical Tradition through Communicating Faith in the Diversity of Cultures. In Eder M., Kuhn E, and Reinalter H. (eds) Wede und Hindernisse Religioser Toleranz zur Freidenssaffenden Kraft der Religionen (pp. 97 - 116) VDG Weimer, Satz. ISBN 978-3-89739-972-7
Ike O. F. et al (2013) CIDJAP Human Rights Manual - the Law and the Police. Ike O.F and Onaga C. (eds) Enugu-Nigeria, CIDJAP Press
Ike O. F. (2013) A Socio-Theological Reflection on the Cross, Africa and the Christian Challenges. In Knop J. and Nothelle-Wildfeuer (eds) Krauz-Zeichen Zwischen Hoffnung Universtandnis und Emporung (pp. 57 - 68) Grunewald, Germany ISBN 978-3-7867-2978-5
Ike O. F. et al (2012) The History of Enugu Diocese, Marking the Centenary Celebration, 2010, Omenka N. and Anijielo A. (eds) Enugu Nigeria, Snapp Press. 347 Pages. ISBN 978-978-910-184-9
Ike O. F. (2012) The Return of Mission schools. In Omenka N, Agu A. and Anijielo A. (Eds), Our Journey with God - Golden Jubilee Reflection, (pp. 184 - 187), Enugu-Nigeria, Snap Press. ISBN 978-978-910-187-0
Ike O. F. (2011) Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Pastoral Good. In Adinike G. (ed), Witnessing in the Public Square, Reflections on Archbishop Val Okeke's Letter "you and the common good" (pp. 165 - 196). Anambra Nigeria, Feros Press. ISBN 978-978-50577-2-0
Ike O. F. (2011) Nichts Kann Mich Umbringen. In Vision 2000 Magazine, Europas Wurzel Neu Belben, Elizabethstrasse, Germany.
Ike O. F. (2008) Mystery, Masquerade and Emmanuel. In Eziokwu bu Ndu, An Ezeagu Ecclesiastics and Religious Publication, International Journal of Life and Culture (pp 9- 18) Enugu-Nigeria, CIDJAP Press
Ike O. F. (2007) Africa Renaissance: Solidarity and Renewal Within Africa Today. In Christian Beck/ Wolfgang Fischer, DAMIT ALLE LEBEN KONNEN - Pladoyers fur eine menschenfrenndliche Ethik (pp 171 0 184) Altius Verlag, Germany. ISBN 978-3-932483-16-5
Ike O. F. (2006) Catholic Social Thought and Action in Nigeria. In Ike O. F. (ed) Eternity is Love; Africa and the Legacy of Guardium et Spes; 40 Years After (pp. 65 - 78). Enugu- Nigeria, CIDJAP Press. ISBN 978-0711-351-7
Ike O. F. (1997) Religion: Law and Culture - Igbo Traditional Society of Nigeria. In Maria HungerKamp und Mathias Lutz (eds), Grenzen Uberschreitenden Ethik - Festschrift fur Prof. Dr. Johannes Hoffmann Anlasslich Seines 60. Geburtstags. (pp.47- 82). Frankfurt am Main; IKO Verlag ISBN 3-88939-444-2
Ike O. F. (2005) Evangelization und Mussion. In Gerg Ganswein and Martin Lohmann (ed), Katholische, Wissen aus Erter Hand (pp 108 - 113) Herder, Freiburg, ISBN - 978-3-451-33208-1
Ike O. F. (1992) Katholische Soziallehre und Dritte Welt aus Afrikanisher Perspective. In Franz Furger and Joachim Wiemeyer (eds) Christliche Socialethik im Weltweiten Horizont. (26 - 35) Germany, Aschendorff Verlag ISBN 3-402-04533-8
Ike O. F. (1997) Wer Berfreit Ist, Kan Befreien - Only the Free can Liberate others. Theologische - ethische werkstatt; kkontext Frankfurt, Johannes Hoffmann (ed). Iko Verlag, Germany. ISBN 3-88939-425-6
Ike O. F. (1999) Human Rights Education and Action as Service. In Riika R. and Klaus K. (eds) SPIRITUS, LUX, CARITAS, International Congress in Deacony . (pp. 67 - 81) Finnland, Gummerus Printing. ISBN 951-97097-2-X
Ike O.F (2000) Legal and Judicial Reform in Nigeria, Economic Management Capacity- Building Project. In Olisa Agbakoba SAN, Uche Emelonye and Wilfre Mamah (eds), Report Back to Rule of Law Assessment, Mission to Nigeria; (pp 49 - 57). Lagos, Nigeria, HURRILAWS Publication.
Ike O. F. (2000) The Jubilee, the Church and Social Transformation in Nigeria. In Ursula Nothelle- Wildfeuer, Nobert Glatzel (eds) Christliche socialethik im Dialog - zur zukumftsfahigkeit von Wirtschaft, Plitik und Geselleschaft (pp 405 - 416). Bonn, Marcus Arnold. ISBN 3-929304-37-6
Ike O. F. (2007) The Church and Civil Society: the Case of Nigeria. In Kruip/ Reifeld (ed) Church and Civil Society - The Role of Christian Churches in the Emerging Countries of Argentina, Mexico, Nigerian and South Africa (111 - 126) Konrad Adeneur Stiftung eV. Germay. ISBN 3-939826-21-9/ 978-3-939826-21-7
Ike O. F. (2007) Zeugnis des Nigerianischen Christen. In Peter P. J. Beyerhause (eds) Weltweite Gemeinschaft im Leiden fur Christus (pp 54 - 57) Estonia, Paket AS. ISBN 978-937965-59-8
Ike O. F. (1994) Fundamentalisme als Splijtzwam - Christedom en Islam in een Afrikaanse Context. In Beck H.L and Merks K.W. (eds) Fundamentalisme (pp. 105 - 124) Amba/ Baarn, Schoten. ISBN 90-263-1327-6
Ike O. F. (1995) Justice and Peace in Stress Management. In Ezeilo B.N (ed) Family Stress Management (pp. 181 - 190) Enugu Nigeria, CECTA Ltd. ISBN 978-022-113-1
Ike O. F. (1997) Bishop Micheal Ugwuja Eneja; A man of Simplicty in Lifestyle and lover of African Cultural Values. In Osayi R.E (ed) Bishop Micheal Eneja; an Analysis of Philosphic Thoughts (pp 35 - 41) Snapp Press, Enugu Nigeria. ISBN 978-2919-46-2
Ike O. F. (1999) Kirche in Afrika - Vor dem Dialog mit Europa. In Werner S. and George Stein (eds) Auf Neue Art Kirche Sein (pp 580 - 592). Munchen, Don Bosco Press. ISBN 3-7698-1184-4
Ike O. F. and Edozien N.N. (2001): Africa in the Age of Globalization: the Challenge of Cultural Identity in an Interdependent World. In Lucia A. Reisch (ed) Ethical Ecological Investment; Towards Global Sustainable Development (pp 99 - 104) Iko Verlag, Frankfurt. ISBN 3-88939-578-3
Ike O. F. and Edozien N.N. (2001): Ezi Muoma - Afrika Verstehen, Afrika in Eigener Sahe-Weisheit, Kultur und Liben Der Igbo. 195 pgs. Enugu-Nigeria, CIDJAP Press. ISBN 978-34677-3-5
Ike O. F. (2004) Human Rights, Conflicts and Reconciliation: A Global Reckoning with Emphasis on Four African Wisdom Calabashs. In Ike O.F (ed) Globalization and African Self Determination, What is our Future. (pp. 49 - 62) Enugu Nigeira, CIDJAP Press. ISBN 978-8062-21-0
Ike O.F./ Edozien N.N (2005): The Future lies within and Beyond Us. In, Carlos R., Ghanem N., Milena R. and Sylvia K (eds), Letters to the Future (pp 27 - 28), Spain, Textos
Ike O. F. (2006) Impact of Globalization in Africa. In Ibe C. Francis cssp (ed) Bishop Joseph Shanahan Memorial Annual Lecture No. 11; Globalization and Bank Capitalization Policy in Nigeria; Implicaiton for the Common Man. (27 - 39), Enugu Nigeria, Snapp Press. ISBN 978-049-622-X
Articles in Scholarly Journals
Ike O. F. (2013) Overview of West African Sub-Region. In Deon Rossouw and Christopher Stuckeberger (eds) Global Ethics Survey of Business Ethics in Training, Teaching and Research. (143 - 160), Switzerland. ISBN 978-2-940428-38-7
Ike O.F (2013) Research Teaching and Practice of Catholic Social Thought on the African Continent through Communicating Fiat hint eh Diversity of Cultures. In Bigard Theological Studies Journal (BTS) Dec - June 2014, Vol. 34. No. 1. (pp 23 - 38) Bigard Press, Enugu. ISBN 978-912-880-5
Ike O. F. (2011) If You Want Peace Work for Justice. In NJoku M. C and Anieke C. C, Stories of Peace Volume 1 (pp 54 - 60) Enugu Nigeria, NGB Press. ISBN 978- 2922-61-3
Ike O. F. (2011) The Integral Nature of African Cultures and Religious Values as Ethial Values. In Ariane Hentsch Cisneros and Shanta Premarradhana (eds) Sharing Values, A Hermeneutics of Global Ethics. (pp. 309 - 322) Globethics Series No. 4, Switzerland. ISBN 978-2-940428-25-0
Ike O. F. (2002) Christian and Politics. In Ogunu Micheal (ed) Holiness and Social Responsibility of the Nigerian Catholic Laity (pp 56 - 93) Publicatiuon of the Catholic Laity Council of Nigeria, December 2002
Ike O. F. (2001) Development is about People, Business is about Ethics (July/September 2001, Volume 7, No 3, Nigeria Economic Summit Group Economic Indicators Journal; ISSN 1595-20307)
Ike O. F. (1996) The Social, Political and Economic Situation in Nigeria: A Critical Survey. In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being lecture presented on 13th May, 1996 in the Thalia-Theater, Hamburg
Ike O. F. (1997) The Social Challenge. In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented at the First Annual Plenary Assembly of Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) in Eucharistic Heart Generalate, Ikeja from 18th to 21st February, 1997.
Ike O. F. (1995) Prisoners Standing in the Need of Reconciliation (Biblical and Theological Perspectives). In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented at the International Prisons Chaplains Association (IPCA) Worldwide Conference III Aylmer, Quebec (Ottawa) Canada. Conference Theme: Reconciliation: The Challenge of Prison Chaplains. 18th - 23rd, August, 1995.
Ike O. F. Theology of the Cross. A Theological Investigation into the Reality of the Cross in the Prison Environment. In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented at the International Commission of Catholic Prison Chaplaincies (ICCPC) IXth ICCPC Worldwide Congress, Warsaw, Poland
Ike O. F. (1996) Theological Significance of Justice and Peace. In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented at the Theological Conference: Evangelisation in the Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha in the Light of the Africa Synod - a Study of the Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Africa", Onitsha, 29th - 30th April, 1996
Ike O. F. (1996) The Mission of Social Work. Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being keynote address delivered to the Social Work Unit held in the Department of Sociology/Anthropology of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka at the Launching of a N10M Bus/Library Appeal Fund and other Activities to mark the "Social Work Day" Celebrations on March 13th, 1996.
Ike O. F. (1996) The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Agricultural Development. Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented at the International Workshop on Market, Gardening, Farm Associations and Food Provision in Urban and Peri-Urban Africa, Netanya, June 23-28, 1996.
Ike O. F. (1996) Catholic Publishers as Evangelizers through Promoting Education, Development, Justice and Peace. Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented at the Seminar of Catholic Publishers in Africa on "Publishing at the Service of Evangelization" in Nairobi, Kenya. 12th - 25th November, 1996
Ike O. F. (1995) The Plight of Widows. Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being abstracts of a paper presented at a One Day National Workshop on the Plight of Widows organized by the Medical Women's Association of Nigeria in Modotels, Enugu on 10th December, 1995.
Ike O. F. (1996) Women and Politics. In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented under the auspices of the International Federation of Women Lawyers FIDA (Enugu Zone) at a Post Beijing Workshop on 24th January, 1996 in Enugu.
Ike O. F. (1996) The Role of Religion in the Political Empowerment of Women. In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper presented at a Forum on empowering women for participation in the politics of the Fourth Republic on 17th December, 1996 in Filbon Hall, New Haven, Enugu. It was organised by FIDA (International Federation of Women Lawyers Enugu branch) in collaboration with the Enugu State Commission for Women
Ike O. F. (1996) Development through Self-Reliance: Chances for Africa, the 'AFOS' Experience in Nigeria. In Wer befreit ist, kann befreien. ISBN 3-88939-425-6. Being paper delivered at the First Plenary Session of the Association of Catholic Entrepreneur in Germany meeting at Kleinheubach, Miltenberg/Main on 1st - 2nd March, 1996.
Ike O.F (2001) The Impact of Globalization on Africa. ... A Call to Solidarity and Concern. Ezi Muoma - Afrika verstehen. ISBN 3-88939-753-0. Being paper presented at a conference on cultural values as key determinants for sustainable economic development jointly organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with Growing Businesses Foundation (GBF) at the second annual conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and the launching of the first Nigerian issue- dialogue for the United Nations Global Compact held on 31st May, 2001 at UBA House, Marina, Lagos.
Ike O. F., Edozien N.N.: Africa in the Age of Globalization. The Challenges of Culture Identity in an Interdependent World. Ezi Muoma - Afrika verstehen. ISBN 3-88939-753-0. Being paper presented to the Ethical-ecological Investment: Towards Global Sustainable Development and submitted for the Project Group Ethical-ecological Rating, Frankfurt-Hohenheim.
Ike O. F. (2004) Human Rights, Conflicts and Reconciliation: A Global Reckoning with emphasis on Four African Wisdom Calabashes. Ezi Muoma - Afrika verstehen. ISBN 3-88939-753-0. Being paper presented at the International Association of Human Rights Conference, Frankfurt, Germany in May, 2004.
Ike O. F., Edozien N.N (2003): Developing Content on Africa - Why the West must take another look at Africa. Ezi Muoma - Afrika verstehen. ISBN 3-88939-753-0. Being paper presented for the Financial Times and the Bertelsmann Foundation, 2003.
Conference Lectures and Papers
January 2013, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Transformational Leadership and Professional Medical Ethics in the Nigeria Health Sector; at the 44th Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Pediatric Association of Nigeria held at Golden Royale Hotel, Enugu on 24th January 2013.
December 2012, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Philosophical Response to Socio-Political and Economic Challenges in Africa at the Jubilee Symposium of the Spiritan International School of Theology (SIST), Attakwu on 7th December 2012.
December 2012, Lagos, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; The Path to Transformative Leadership at the Conference on Nigeria Leadership Summit organized by the Anabel Leadership Acedemy, Lagos from 11th - 12th December 2012.
November 2012, Abuja, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; The Church in Nigeria: The Family of God in Communion Dialogue and Mission at the Second National Pastoral Congress in Nigeria held at the Pope John Paul II Centre, Wuse, Abuja on 14th November, 2012
January 2012, Abuja, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Practical implications of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops in the light of increasing Intra-State Conflicts at the Year 2012 Annual St. Paul Lecture organized by National Missionary Society of St. Paul to commemorate the Feast of the Coversion of St Paul. This was held at National Missionary Seminary (NAMISEM), Gwagwalada, Abuja on 21st January, 2012.
December 2011, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Religion, Culture and Civilization - The Need for Dialogue during a Symposium to unveil the Maiden Edition of Enugu Cultural and Tourism Fiesta in Nike Lake Hotel Resort on 15th December, 2011.
September 2011, Imo, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Ntohapu: Oru Oma Nke Ozioma at Nkuzi Odenigbo Lecture help on September 2011 in Imo State, Nigeria.
July 2011, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Transformational Leadership and the Challenges of Governance in Enugu State; at the Governance Retreat for Members of the State Executive Council of Enugu State towards "Good and Responsive Governance" in July 2011. at Nike Lake Resort, Enugu.
May 2011, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Globalization and Africa: The Challenges of Critical Inquiry for the University General Studies Program; Need for Paradigm Change, at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka 50 years General Studies Program Public Event towards Global Competitiveness and Paradigm Change on 25th May, 2011.
March 2011, Stellenbosch, South Africa Presented a paper entitled; Moral Leadership of Businesses for Sustainable Development in Africa; at the Official Launch of the University of Stallenbosch-ed Center for Business in the Society on 4th March 2011.
September 2010, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Ethical Leadership: Implications of the new generation of Nigerian academic leadership at the UNN Mission, Vision, and Action Workshop in September 2010.
April 2010, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; Addressing issues of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace in the Church and in the World at the first Nsukka Catholic Diocesan Synod; "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism" on 14th April 2010.
February 2009, Enugu, Nigeria Presented a paper entitled; The Past, the Present and the Future make a People; at the first Festival of Igbo Civilization and Culture in commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" held in Enugu on 7th February, 2009.
May 2008, Frankfurt, Germany; Delivered a paper entitled; Corruption: Threat to Democracy and Market Economy - The Case of Nigeria during an International Symposium on 'NACHALTIGKEIT ALS GRUNDPRINZIP FUER DIE RAHMENORDNUNG VON FINANZ UND GUETERMAERKTEN' held at BANK FUER KREDITANSTALT UND WIEDERAUFBAU (KfW) Frankfurt/Main Germany from 29th- 31st May 2008.
March 2008, Kinshasha, Congo; Presented a paper entitled; Critical Appraisal and Overview of the First Africa Synod 1994: Preparation, Implementation, Reception, Shortfalls and Challenges as lessons towards the upcoming Second Synod of Africa, 2009 at the Centre Catholique Nganda, Kinshasa, Republique Democratique du Congo in March 2008.
November 2006, Enugu, Nigeria; Presented a paper entitled; The Social Teachings of the Church and the Management of Oil and Gas Wealth in Nigeria. Under the theme; "Nigeria: Making Oil and Gas Wealth Serve the Common Good" at the Divine Love Retreat and Conference Centre (DRACC), Emene, Enugu from the 1st-4th of November, 2006.
May 2006, Frankfurt, Germany; Presented a paper entitled; Towards a World for Everybody: Communicating Faith in the Diversity of Cultures. Context - Nigeria at the International Symposium to mark 20 years of "Theologie Interkulturell" of the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M, Germany in May 2006.
September 2003, Indiana, USA; Presented a paper entitled; African Renaissance: Solidarity and Renewal within Africa Today at the Conference on Solidarity with Africa organized by the Institute of Church Life, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA on 23rd September 2003.
October 2001, Lagos, Nigeria; Presented a paper entitled; Expectations on Social Infrastructures from the Federal Government of Nigeria's Year 2002 Budget organized by Pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC) on 3rd October 2001.
September 2001, Lagos, Nigeria; Presented a paper entitled; Righteousness in Governance at the Rev. (Dr.) Mike Okonkwo Foundation Public Lecture organized by TREM at the Shell Recital Hall Muson, Onikan, Lagos on the 5th of September 2001.
Presented a paper entitled; Towards a Self Sustaining and Self-Reliant Church: Theological Perspectives from the Social Teachings of the Church and Local Experiences in Development.
Presented a paper entitled; Overview of the Role of the Catholic Church in Education in Enugu Diocese (1962 - 2012); The Takeover and Return of Voluntary Agency and Mission Schools by the Government of East Central State of Nigeria
Presented a paper entitled; Audacity, Character and Scholarship - Renewing Mission and Identity of the Challenges of Leadership to the University and the Nigerian Society.
Presented a paper entitled; Africa: Salt of the Earth and Light of the World in the 21st Century New Evangelization. A draft paper for the 2012 World Synod of Bishop on the theme "The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith".
Presented a paper entitled; Business Ethics as a Field of Teaching, Training and Research in West Africa.
Presented a paper entitled; Catholic Social Thought and the Context of Nigeria.
Presented a paper entitled; Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Good.
Presented a paper entitled; Evangelization and Mission.
Presented a paper entitled; Human Rights, Conflicts and Reconciliation: A Global Reckoning with emphasis on four African Wisdom Calabashes.
Presented a paper entitled; Past Tense = Future Sense: Applying African Cosmology to modern issues of Sustainability and Corporate Governance.
Presented a paper entitled; Renewing Mission and Identity of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition through Communicating Faith in the Diversity of Cultures.
Responded to a questionnaire from Christian Solidarity International (CSI) on Islam, Sharia Legal System, Christian Persecution and Threat to National Stability in Nigeria.
Presented a paper entitled; Religion and Politics - Perspectives of the Social Teachings of the Church. The Case of Nigeria.
Presented a paper entitled; The Integral Nature of African Cultural & Religious Values as Ethical Values.
Presented a paper entitled; Morality and Moral Philosophy.
The Church and Unemployment, a paper delivered to the Justice, Development and Peace Commission, Archdiocese of Abuja, Nigeria
Pope John Paul II's Laborem Exercens and its Relevance for the Nigerian Ethics of work in the public and civil service
Ethics and Democracy
A Historical overview of the social teaching of the Church, the underlying theological motivations and the possibility of application in the corresponding social problems of Africa in the light of the Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Africa."
The Legacy of Laborem Exercens, the meaning and dimensions of Human Work in John Paul II theology of Human Work: Challenges on Nigeria.
Church and contemporary Nigerian Society: Social Teachings of the Church, Past and Present - Enunciation of relevant theological principles. Paper presented at the seminar by the Nigerian Association of Ecumenical Theologians, Jos
Property and communal ownership structure in traditional Africa
An examination of relevant socio-economic and cultural issues in determining the ownership of community based telecommunication businesses.
Religion, Society and the Crises of Values and Marriage in contemporary Nigeria
Morality and Moral Philosophy
Corruption: Threat to Democracy and Market Economy- The Case of Nigeria. A paper presented at the international symposium on 'nachaltigkeit(sustainability) als grundprinzip fuer die rahmenordnung von finanz und guetermaerkten
The Social Teachings of the Church and the management of oil and gas wealth in Nigeria: Making oil and gas wealth serve the common good (Nigeria), a paper presented at DRACC to the Bishops Conference Of Nigeria Directorate on 'Church and Society'
The integral nature of African cultural and religious values as ethical values.
Righteousness in Governance, paper delivered at an International Symposium organized by The Redeemed Evangelical Mission, (TREM), Nigeria
Human Rights, Conflicts and Reconciliation: A global reckoning with emphasis on Africa, a paper delivered at the National Conference organized by the Christian Rural Development Agency Of Nigeria( CRUDAN)
Nine years of democracy dividends in Ebonyi State- a critical assessment of the journey so far.
Human Rights, Education and Action
African Renaissance: Solidarity and Renewal within Africa today, a paper presented to the Catholic Bishops Conference of America ' inviting America and the west to solidarity with Africa'.
Expectations on Social Infrastructure from the Federal Government of Nigeria Year 2002 budget Development in Africa: Cultural, Ethical and Religious Considerations
Evangelization as Justice and Peace
One Body called to Peace, Signs of the Times: Context of Disbelief.
Cultism versus Freedom and Learning in Educational Institutions in Nigeria
African Human and Religious Values as challenges to the rest of the world.
The challenges and contributions of the African Church
The Jubilee, the Church and Social Transformation in Nigeria
The challenges of New Evangelization in Nigeria
Mixed Marriages, the Gospel and the Youth: Reflections on our Faith in a global and pluralistic society.
Potentials for development in traditional, social and economic structures in West Africa.
Towards a world for everybody: Communicating Faith in the diversity of Cultures: Context- Nigeria. A paper presented at the International Symposium "Theologie Interkulturell" of the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M, Germany
Religion and Politics - Perspectives of the Social Teaching of the Church.
Newspaper Magazine Publications and Interviews
Ike O. F. Without Integral Education, Human Beings cannot Fulfill their Mission of Earth in The Pastores, Publication of St. Bernard Seminary Hostel Nchatancha Enugu, 2nd Edition, March 2013 - April 2014
Ike O. F. God is Love, life and work of Obiora Ike, Sermon by Bishop Anthony Okonkwo Gbuji, on the 50th Birthday Anniversary of Monsignore Obiora Ike, July 2006, Enugu Nigeria
Ike O. F. African Journal of Business Ethics, publication of Business Ethics Network of Africa, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2009. ISSN 1817-7417, University of Johannesburg
Ike O. F. Africa's Food Crisis, commemoration of the Centenary Anniverisary of worker's Chapter, Rerum Novarum by Leo XIII, in Bigard Times, Publication of St. Augustine's School of Journalism, Bigard Memorial Seminary. Vol.2 No. 2 ISSN 0794-2346
Ike O. F. The Political and Social Dimensions of the Gospel, in the Insight - to bear Witness to the Truth, a Biannual Publication of the Claretian Missionaries of Nigeria. Vol 5 No. 1, June - Dec 1988. ISSN 0794-4381
Ike O. F. In Gefahr Christenverfolgung in Nigeria, in Stimme der Martyrer, Pulication of Hilfasaktion martyrerkirche (HMK), Nr. 2/ 2005, Jahrgang.
Ike O. F. Nigeria: Wenn Christen Opfer der Scharia Werden, in PUR Magazin fur Politik und Religion, Friedrich-wirth Str. 4, No. 10/ October 2003.
Thesis and Dissertations Moderated
Positions Currently Held
Professor of Ethics and Peace Studies, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu, Nigeria;
Visiting Professor, Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M, Germany;
Director, Catholic Institute for Development Justice Peace and Caritas, Enugu, Nigeria;
Member Governing Council, Enugu State University of Science and Technology;
Member, Board of Trustees, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu State,
Advisory Board Member, School of Business, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa;
President, Club of Rome, Nigeria Chapter;
President, Africa Association for the Advancement of Catholic Social Sciences;
Languages Proficiency
English - proficiently spoken and written
German - proficiently spoken and written
French - Conversational
Hausa - Conversational
Igbo - Proficiently spoken and written
Latin, Greek and Hebrew - a little spoken
Specific experience in the region:
- Family name: IKE
- First names: Obiora Francis, Prof. Dr.
- Date of birth: 07.04.1956
- Nationality: Nigerian
- Email:
- Website:
- 1982 - 1986 Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universitaet, Bonn, Germany, Doctor of Theology, Social Ethics (DD); Philosophy Dissertation in Jurisprudence, PhD:
- 1978 - 1982 University of Innsbruck, Austria; B.A; B.Phil; M.Theol; M. Phil
- 1975 - 1978 Bigard Memorial Seminary Enugu/ Pontifical Urban University Rome, Bachelor of Philosophy (B.A)
- 1979 Univeristy of London, UK, Diploma in Journalism; Cambridge University Certificate in Economics and History;
- 1983 Postgraduate Institute of International Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; Diploma in International Studies;
- 1969 - 1974 College studies at All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha; St John's Seminary, Nsukka with Graduate Certificates of West African School Certificates (WASC, 9 subjects, Grade One result); General Certificate of Examinations, Cambridge, UK, Ordinary Levels and Advanced levels;
- 1974 - 1975 Teaching Experience and Practical year Volunteer Service as Tutor at Sacred Heart Seminary, Nsude Nigeria
- Phil. Dissertation, Bonn;
- Master of .Philosophy (M.Phil) University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Master of Theology (M. Theol) University of Innsbruck, Austria;
- B.Phil. Enugu/Urbaniana Rome; with a thesis topic Karl Max on Religion and Christianity
- B.Theol, Innsbruck /Urbaniana, Rome; with a thesis on the political, cultural and social aspects of missionary activities in Igbo land; an historical exposition
- Diploma of Journalism, London;
- Certificates in Economics, University of London; Certificate in International Studies, Dubrovnik;
- Language Diploma Certificates German,
- Language Diploma Certificates Hebrew, Latin and Greek.
Scholastic/ Professional and Developmental Awards
- Received the United Nations Sadik Nafis Award for Humanitarian Service and Courage, Lisbon, Portugal (2013)
- Certificate of Honour for Memorable Support, presented by Thomas Eke Nweke Progresive Education Empowerment Foundation, 26th June 2013
- ARCoR Medal of Excellence and Appreciation and Gratitude, presented by Romanian President and Prime Minister, Association For the Club of Rome, Romanian Chapter, 2013
- Honoured with the Progressive Education Empowerment Foundation Award (2013)
- Awarded with the title "Senior Advocate of Nigeria for the Handicap and Persons with Disability" by the Persons with Disability Organization for his unique role in consistently supporting handicap persons for the past 30 years through CIDJAP (2013)
- Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2013)
- Leadership and Department Friendly Award, Nigeria Prisons Services 14th December 2012
- Recognized in the biographical directory Who is Who in Enugu State (2011)
- Awarded the Heinrich Pesch Prize for enormous contributions to the development of the church's social teaching and application (2010)
- Nominated in 2009 as Synod Father by Pope Benedict at the Africa Synod in Rome.
- Recognized in the biographical directory Men of Achievement by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. ISBN: 0 948875 27 5. (2007)
- Listed in Who is Who in the Nigeria (2006)
- Recognized in The Igbo Icon; A compendium of Igbo Achievers' by Divine Associates Global Services Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria. National Library Lagos ISBN: 978-065-8041 (2006)
- Awarded Afrika Verdienst Preis, CV Afrika Hilfe eV,in Germany (2005)
- Honoured with a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary International, Munich/Ludwigshafen, Germany (2001)
- Appointed as an Honorary Member of the International Biographical Centre Advisory Council (2001)
- Made Honorary Chaplain (Prelate) to Pope John Paul II, Rome, Vatican (2000)
- Elected member of the Board of Trustees, Spinal Cord Injuries Association of Nigeria (SCIAN) (2000)
- Appointed member of the National Advisory Board of Mass Media Africa Peace Centre (2000)
- Recognized in the biographical directory Who's Who in Nigeria by the Nigerian International Biographical Centre, Lagos, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-34466-2-2. (1999)
- Recognized for his humanitarian works by the Old Girls Association, Holy Rosary College, Enugu (1999)
- Nominated as the Chairman, Board of Trustees of Child Defense Foundation, Enugu (1999)
- Appointed as a member of the Trustees of Development Education Centre (D.E.C.), Enugu (1999)
- Made the Papal Chamberlain, "Monsignore", Vatican City under His Holiness Pope John Paul II (1999)
- Appointed as the Spiritual Father of the Nigeria Union of Teachers, Enugu North Branch (1998)
- Appointed as a Patron of Sacred Heart Parish, Uwani, Enugu (1997)
- Published in Who's Who in the World by Marquis Who's Who Publication, New Jersey, USA. ISSN: 0-8379-1116-8 (1996)
- Awarded Knight of Postgraduate Students for his contribution and service to Humanity, Education, Economic and Social Development to Nigeria by the Association of Postgraduate Students of Enugu State University of Science and Technology (1996)
- Recognized for the Meritorious Services rendered to Humanity by the Nigerian Universities Management Students' Association (NUMSA), Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Chapter (1996)
- Won the Peace Prize Shalom, Eichstaett University, Germany (1996)
- Elected a member of the Steering Committee of the International Prison Chaplains Association (IPCA) (1995)
- Awarded for Distinguished Health and Social Services by International Health Foundation, Enugu (1995)
- Appointed as an International Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1994)
- Appointed as a Patron of Association For Promoting Quality Education In Nigeria (APQEN) (1994)
- Appointed as a member of the Development Committee of the College of Health Sciences of the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) (1994)
- Appointed to lecture Faculty students of THEOLOGISCHE FACULTEIT TILBURG University in Netherlands in African Cultures and the Christian Faith; Social Ethics and Culture and Christianity and Islam in Africa (1993)
- Recognized and elected an Active Member of the New York Academy of Sciences (May, 1993)
- Appointed member of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Women Development by the Enugu State Government (1992)
- Recognized in the biographical directory 5,000 Personalities of the World (Edition Five) by The American Biographical Institute
- Listed in Who is Who among African Theologians
Cultural/ Traditional Awards and Recognitions
- Awarded by the Igbo Catholic Community, USA
- Honoured with the Chieftaincy title; Omeluoha 1 of Agba Umana for the good services rendered to the community by His Royal Highness, Igwe Donatus N. Ilo, the traditional ruler of Agba Community in Ezeagu L.G.A. of Enugu State (1999)
- Invested with chieftaincy titles - Onwa n'etilora of Umana Ndiagu (1988) Enugu State, Nigeria
- Chieftaincy titles Omeloha of Ugwuomu, Nike (1991) Enugu State, Nigeria
- Chieftaincy titles Okwuloha of Agba Umana (2008) Enugu State, Nigeria
Academic Experiences
Administrative Experiences
- Co-ordinator West-Africa Business Ethics survey towards a research under Prof Deon Rossouw for a Global Ethics database;
- Co-Founder and Chairman of Board of the leading Nigerian Umuchinemere Microfinance Bank Ltd
- Classroom Teacher of over 35 years; (since 1983) Lecturer and Professor of Social & Economic Ethics and African Studies in Nigeria and Germany;
- Development Practitioner; Founder/Co-Founder of several NGO's (17)
- Expert on Development Co-operation including CIDJAP;
- Micro Enterprise Development Cooperation (MDC together with Growing Business Foundation, Lagos);
- PLEAS (Prisoners Legal Education and Assistance Scheme);
- Justice and Peace FARMS;
- Grassroots Women Empowerment and Development Education (GWEDE);
- Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs and Training Association (SEPTA);
- Director of CIDJAP - Catholic Institute for Development Justice Peace and Caritas;
- Director of Studies for Diploma Programme of CST/TLP (Catholic Social Teaching/ Theology for Lay People Programme since 1990;
- Consultant Partner European Union SRIP Programme, Nigeria;
- Consultant Growing Businesses Foundation (GBF),
- Consultant Nigerian Conference of Catholic Bishops;
- Consultant Partner Misereor and Missio Aachen, Germany;
- Consultant Rhein Donau Foundation Cologne;
- Consultant Partner Pontifical Missionary Works, Germany;
- Consultant Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Vatican; etc,
- Consultant to Catholic Bishops Conference;
- Consultant to Federal Ministry of Finance Workshops and Seminars;
- Consultant to Christian Missionary Organizations,
- Consultant to Enugu State Government of Nigeria
- Consultant to Cross Rivers State Government of Nigeria
- Consultant to Anambra State Government of Nigeria
- Consultant to Kano State Government of Nigeria
Development Organisations Founded
- Enugu State Development Trust Fund;
- African Child Defence Inititiative;
- Poverty in Africa Alternative;
- Umuchinemere Procredit Microfinance Bank Ltd;
- Nigerian Association of Catholic Social Scientists;
- Christian-Muslim Dialogue Enugu State;
- Africa Association for the Promotion of Catholic Social Teaching;
- Founder of the Africa Fund on Self Employment (AFOS Nigeria);
- Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs and Training Association (SEPTA) Enugu
- Grassroots Women Empowerment and Development Education (GWEDE).
Chairmanship / Director of Professional Organizations and NGOs
- Umuchinemere Community Bank & Micro Finance Bank Ltd
- Caritas Internationalis, Caritas Council/Foundation (Nigeria - Rome)
- CIDJAP Legal Education and Development Assistance Scheme
- Nigeria - German Contacts, Cologne, Germany
- Grassroots Women Empowerment and Development Education (GWEDE)
- Justice and Peace Farms, Enugu
- Prisoners Legal Education and Assistance Scheme (PLEAS)
- Trinitas Company Ltd, Enugu
- Center for Public Policy and Research, Abuja
- Commonwealth Education Fund, (CEF), Abuja
- Child Defense Foundation, Enugu
- Initiative for Food Environment and Health Society(IFEHS), Abuja
- Human Rights law Service, (HURILAWS) Lagos
- Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs Association, (SEPTA),
- Ezi Muoma Ltd, Nigeria
- Africa fund on Self-employment (AFOS) Germany/Nigeria
Membership and Co-Chair of Professional Organizations
- Ike O. F. (2005) Nigerian Prisons, Hell above Ground; Ten Years of Nigerian Congress of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care (NCCPPC), Reflections and Action - 1004-2004, CIDJAP Press, Enugu. 355pgs, ISBN 978-8062-53-9
- Ike O. F. (2005) Globalization and African Self-Determination - What is our Future? IKO Verlag, Frankfurt, 2005, ISBN 978-8062-21-0, 257 pages
- Ike O. F. (2003) Development is about People, Business is about Ethics (CIDJAP Joint Publication, Enugu, ISBN 978-049-240-2, 140 pages
- Ike O. F. (2003) Afrika in Eigener Sache: Weissheit, Kultur und Leben der Igbo (IKO Verlag fuer Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Frankfurt/London, ISBN 3-88939-691-7; Die Reihe Ezi-Muoma Afrika Verstehen Nr. 1; Herausgeber: Ike/Hoffmann)
- Ike O. F. (2001) Understanding Africa: Traditional Legal Reasoning, Jurisprudence & Justice in Igboland; (CIDJAP Joint Publication, 2001, Enugu, ISBN 978-34677-3-5)
- Ike O. F. (2001) Micro-enterprise Development Co-operation; International Best Practices in Micro-finance: Grameen Experience, Lessons for Nigeria (2001, Enugu; ISBN 978-201-50-1)
- Ike O. F. (2001) Africa in the Age of Globalization: Challenges of Cultural Identity in an Interdependent World (IKO Verlag Frankfurt, Edited by Lucia A Reisch, Ethical Ecological Investment, 2001, ISBN 3-88939-578-3)
- Ike O. F. (2000) UNDP Human Development Report, Millennium Edition, Lagos, Nigeria; 2000/1
- Ike O. F. and Edozien N.N (2000) African Self-determination in a Global Context: a Critical Appraisal of the Frankfurt-Hohenheim Guidelines & Corporate Responsibility Rating Concept (Joint Publication Oekologische Kommunication Band 8, Munich 2000; ISBN 3928244-64-7)
- Ike O. F. (1998) Freedom is More than a Word, CIDJAP Enugu, 1998, 275 pages ISBN 978-34677-0-0
- Ike O. F. (1997) Development Strategies and Financial management of Projects, CIDJAP Enugu, 1997, 175 pages
- Ike O. F. (1997) The Fantasy of Human Rights, CIDJAP Enugu, 1997, 325 pages
- Ike O. F. (1990) Catholic Social Teaching En-route in Africa, CIDJAP Enugu, 1990, 400 pages
- Ike O. F. (1996) Theology and Economy in Dialogue, CIDJAP Enugu, 1996, 85 pages
- Ike O. F. (1990) Church and Society in Dialogue, CIDJAP Enugu, 1990 ISBN 978-270-796-1, 168 pages
- Ike O. F. (1986) Value Meaning and Social Structure of Human Work, European University Studies, New York, Frankfurt, 1986, 561 pages
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
Articles in Scholarly Journals
Conference Lectures and Papers
Newspaper Magazine Publications and Interviews
Thesis and Dissertations Moderated
- Human Quality Treatment: Evidence in Nigeria SMEs, Scale Validation and Relationship to Organisational Commitment and organizational Satisfaction, Kemi Ogunyeni, Lagos Business School, Nigeria (2013)
- Philosophical Premises for Ecomic Development: SEN's Capability Approach, Symphorien Ntibagirirwa University of Pretoria, South Africa. (2012)
- Employer Loyalty - The Need for Reciprocity, Abiola Olukemi Ogunyemi, Lagos Business School, Lagos (2012)
- Igbo Indigenous Economy and the Search for Sustainable Development in Post Colonial African Society (A Socio- Ethical Styudy, Rev. Fr. Leonard Chidi Ilechukwu, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfirth Main Germany (2004)
- Church and State; the Nigeria - the relationship between the Church and the State in Nigeria in the areas of Human Rights, Education, Religious Freedom and Religious Tolerance. Dr. John Nwafor, Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt Main Germany (2002)
- Community Radio and Its Influence in the Society, the Case of Enugu State Nigeria Dr. Okechukwu Offor, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt Main Germany.
- Towards an Ethical- Ecological Assessment of Companies in Nigeria, Emmanuel Franklyne Onyemaechi Ogbunwezeh, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt Main Germany, (2009)
- Fr. Peter Egielewa (2014)
Positions Currently Held
Languages Proficiency
Specific experience in the region:
Name of Country | Date from - Date to |
Germany | 1982 - 2018 |
Nigeria | 1986 - 2018 |
Austria | 1980 - 1982 |
France | 1983 |
South Africa | 2008 - 2012 |
Switzerland | 2010 - 2012 |