The Founder of CIDJAP, Very Rev. Msgr. Obiora Ike visited HL. Dreifaltigkeit in Fischbach to celebrate Mass with Fr. Klaus Waldeck. The visit was to celebrate the birthday of the founder and to renew the partnership that has existed between CIDJAP and the parishioners in the CIDJAP Sponsorship Project.
This partnership has lasted for more than twenty-five years and more than four hundred beneficiaries have passed through the scheme and are thriving well in various walks of life.
Many of the parishioners were honoured and some of them include, Gert and Uta Binias, Pastor Josef Peter, Pastor Klaus Waldeck and Ms. Scholz.
The Parishioners were happy to hear the success stories from CIDJAP and resolved to continue supporting CIDJAP in her efforts to give basic education to the downtrodden children in the society.